02:45 2010年10月22日星期五
H A P P Y . B U F F D A Y

22 i 10 i 10

Happy birthday May Ting ^^

Mii so good leh , I know I know XDDD [Perasan]

Haha ~

Sweet 15 yar =] ©

Today sing K with you, see ling , kuan ming , jie min and ah seam.

But your face like so moody one - -

Happy abit lar =]



My conclusion is Happy birthday ^^


Record ; Remind ; Reload

bio tag link misc

the Stupid says: Yeah

♦Have fun with the navis. :)
♦humongous reload sign to, as you know, reload.
♦do tag!!!
♦please view this layout in chrome. it doesn't look right in internet explorer, sorry.