2011年3月4日星期五 M E R E N T A S-D E S A
Today is a merentas day. I don’t have help interact club because I want run. Sorry arr. Hehe. I oso duno why I so excited. Before start running, we do senamrobik. Just onii form 4 so high, another no sound to come out, all lembut lembut. After finish senamrobik , we get ready running! All run run run! Wahlao! So fast. I run still separuh, I feel my leg very pain already. I very surprise cheok yee and jie min can run so fast! Why I so slow??? Haiz. Result worse than last year!!! What am I doing?? Yish!! Or many people eat wrong medicine?? I don’t care next year I want get a best result!! Before I reach there ,I see colbie , jia yee and shun zi. Colbie run very fast, n then jia yee run faster than mii. OMG! All people run faster then mii, but still got shun zi, haha. No need scare so much. xP I want get a best result for next year!! =]] |