2011年4月15日星期五 I m BUSY!
Hey ! long time I don’t have touch my dearest blog already :) How are you my dearest blog? Sure, got people say mii crazy people :P say ; where got people greet a ‘NOT LIVING THINGS’ ? but onii mii is the exception. Haha. Ok, let talk the main point. Sorry blogger friend , I will busy since this week so I will late uptade my blog and reply the comments. Recently, I have so many homework and project ; I need do. What the? == so many homework! 1 week got 3 karangan to do. Adui, I hate it! And then we need study for next exam! So fast! I haven’t rest enough. I need help. Haih. Recently, many things are happen on mii. What the fuck? == [sorry, I m being rude, forgive mii] I duno how to say, I just can say ‘ I M SO UNLUCKY! ‘ iissh! I hate this week. I gonna buy some flowers to bath. == It’s true! I m so tired for my study and go to school. Haih. Am I lazy? Am I too stress? So many question mark in my brain. Friend, are you ok? I cant think what are you thinking. Sorry. I din have so much times to care about see your face. Don’t put any emotional things on another people. She is so poor. If you are the ‘POOR’ that want, and she is the ‘HURT’ want, that your feeling aren’t happy right? Please don’t put any emotional things on other people. If you got problems, you can tell us. We can help you if we can help it. :) ![]() 标签: diary, f e e l i n g |