2011年3月16日星期三 S T U D Y - D A Y
This weeks are my study day. I onii touch my sejarah chapter 1. Onii read the chapter 1 I feel like want eat people in my stomach! OMG! I am crazy-ing ! I use 1 day to memories chapter 1. Time not enough to mii. Still got many subject waiting mii ! how to prepare? What can I say? I m not witty at all but I can try my best. Time ; you are miracle, dun so fast take the time go away. Study not like ABC ! Please waiting mii to catch all subject. God ; please bless mii. I need you now. You didn’t know my feeling! Yar, you happy in your holiday! Then how about mii??!! You are witty than mii mar, I know. But I not witty as you. I need study! Maybe my result come out is very bad, but I got try my best before. Dun blame mii, I m sorry for you. Next time I will take some time accompany with you. Sorry. ![]() 标签: diary, holiday, my heart speaking, my mind, study day |
2011年3月10日星期四 醒
你几时才能醒? 为什么醒不到? 够了 ; 看到都厌倦 不是讨厌,是劝告 明明结束了,却还要回头 难道你还要愚蠢下去? 不明白 对,你累了 你痛了 有谁不痛? 有谁不累? 疯够了,就不要再疯 停止吧 有两种说法 有些东西可以坚持就坚持 有些东西不该坚持就不要去坚持 看那样;比较适合其中一句 不是你的,永远都不是 有些是你的;就去争取 -结束-
你是我的伤痕 ; 以前是我的命运; 你说的是谎言 可是我还是相信了你的谎言 相信了啊 对,放弃吧 去前进 =] 标签: diary, my heart speaking, my mind |
p o n t e n g - d a y
Holiday is starting from today! Happy_ing ! haha. Why I so fast holiday? Because I ponteng today.Mii and jo yee sudah pakat, today dun wan go school. Lazy lar wei. Hehe. So many people also din have go school today. Some go kem ; some balik kampong. So we onii choose dun go school lu. Exam is coming soon! I just onii study sejarah page 1. WT?! I no mood to study lar. All subject haven’t prepare. Still got 3 week ; nak exam already. Going die soon. =3= I wan watch dream high! Who got the CD ? can lend mii? I want watch this. Hiaz. ![]() 标签: diary, ponteng day |
2011年3月4日星期五 M E R E N T A S-D E S A
Today is a merentas day. I don’t have help interact club because I want run. Sorry arr. Hehe. I oso duno why I so excited. Before start running, we do senamrobik. Just onii form 4 so high, another no sound to come out, all lembut lembut. After finish senamrobik , we get ready running! All run run run! Wahlao! So fast. I run still separuh, I feel my leg very pain already. I very surprise cheok yee and jie min can run so fast! Why I so slow??? Haiz. Result worse than last year!!! What am I doing?? Yish!! Or many people eat wrong medicine?? I don’t care next year I want get a best result!! Before I reach there ,I see colbie , jia yee and shun zi. Colbie run very fast, n then jia yee run faster than mii. OMG! All people run faster then mii, but still got shun zi, haha. No need scare so much. xP I want get a best result for next year!! =]] |